We are working on the final touches on a new cooperative dairy for dairy farmers in Khovsgol, Mongolia. The dairy increases the farmers’ ability to produce and sell their high-quality dairy products at a more reasonable price as an engine to prevent poverty in the region. The dairy is jointly owned by the farmers in the Khatgal area.
Casas Melhoradas
Casas Melhoradas (“improving housing”) is a housing project born out of the ambition to improve the housing conditions of low-income groups in Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique. The project introduces a series of new housing typologies and techniques in Maputo’s informal settlements.
Byg Udenfor (build outside)
The project encompasses a series of temporary, mobile housing for the homeless in Aarhus, Denmark. The project included co-design and co-construction.
Magburaka Education & Computer Centre
A combined IT learning facility and community house in Magburaka, Sierra Leone.
Cambodia Kindergartens
Two new kindergartens as replacements for those destroyed during the civil war that waged the country between 1955-1975.
Bio Learning Centre
A 700 m2 environmental learning facility for the EFA (Environmental Foundation Africa) in Sierra Leone. The project is to date the largest facility built by our organization and focuses on environmental protection and education.
Kibera Bio Centre
A new stand-alone sanitary building as an extension to an existing school. The building consists of toilets and bathing facilities and utilises waste to produce biogas.
Masanga Dwellings
The Masanga Dwellings are new staff housing provided for the labor force in a war-ravaged hospital in Masanga, Sierra Leona. The project does not only provide new housing facilities to attract a qualified labour force but equally, enables the hospital to expand its capacity.
The Chameleon School
Development and testing of a new mobile school concept that enables the school to reach the children who are not able to attend school. The project’s target group is the children of poor seasonal and migrant workers in Goa and Maharashtra, India.